Friday, November 30, 2012

Friday, November 30

Today we completed 1 adding decimal problem and then 2 subtraction decimal problems to review.

Then the students completed a Friday check for this weeks materials.

Here's a video for subtraction of decimals for some extra help!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thursday, November 29

Today we reviewed place values again, and practiced adding and subtracting decimals.
The students completed a real-world word problems and studied their vocabulary words for unit 4.

Here are the handouts they received for word problems:

Friday Check TOMORROW!

Wednesday, November 28

Today we reviewed place values and continued with Adding and Subtracting Decimals.
Students received the following note sheet and we completed practice problems, too.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Tuesday, November 27

Today we began our new unit Decimals.

We began by reviewing place value. We completed the following activity where students had to "un-stramble" the place values and write the correct values.

Tomorrow we will begin Adding and Subtracting decimals.

Monday, November 26

Welcome back! I hope you all had a wonderful and restful break!

Today I conferences with small  groups of students and gave back their Ratio test scores.
They will be bring those home tonight and need to have them signed and returned.

They students also continued to work on a flashback review they worked on while I was out of town before break began.

Tomorrow we will begin our new unit on Decimals!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thursday, November 15

Unit 3 Test:  Multiple Choice and Short Answer!

Mrs. Graff will be out Friday and all next week! I hope every one has a Happy Thanksgiving!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Wednesday, November 14

Today we completed the Study Guide for Unit 3. We really concentrated on Unit Pricing and Proportions.

Here are the answers to the study guide, so you can check as you study and work tonight! Remember all Resources posted on the blog from Oct 22 until now can help you to review, as well!

Page 1: Study Guide Key

Page 2: Study Guide Key

The students then completed their Constructive Response for their Unit 3 Test. The multiple choice and Short Answer questions will be given tomorrow!!

Think Link or DEA Testing will be FRIDAY! Please treat this as a major exam, like State testing! We need to have good results and the students want to show IMPROVEMENT from their first round in August! Good Luck, I know you will all do great!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Tuesday, November 13

Reivewed Unit 3: We really concentrated on proportions and solving using equivalent fractions/ratios.

Here is the bellwork we completed..

Then we completed a review study guide together, pictured below.
Page 1 of study guide

Page 2 of study guide

Monday, November 12, 2012

Monday, November 12

Reviewed Proportions and other Unite 3 content. We worked independently on 5 bellwork questions and then completed a dry erase board race to complete for observations.

Bell Work Questions were as follows:

Solve the unit rate
1. Susie bought 12 apples for $4.96. Albert bought 15 apples for $6.38. Which person had the better buy?

2. Josie works for 7 days and made $528. How much did she make each day?

3. Michael traveled 75 miles in 1 hour. How far will he travel in 4 hours?

4. Melinda travels at a constant speed of 60 miles per one hour. How long will it take her to travel 120 miles?

Solve the proportions, finding the equivalent ratios, or by cross multiplying with a variable.

5. An orchard as a ratio of apple trees to pear trees of 8:15. If there are 96 apple trees,
              how many pear trees are there?

Friday, November 9, 2012

Friday, November 10

Today we focused on proportions and how we can solve for a missing variable based on equivalent ratios and using cross multiplication.

Here are the notes we used and the handouts the students received.

We will finish this up on Monday!

Look for a Test on Unit 3 Ratios, Rates, and Proportions on Wednesday or Thursday, next week!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thursday, November 8

Review over ratio and rates!

completed practice problems and identified misconceptions of students.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Wednesday, November 7

Hope everyone had a restful break! This week we will spend time review all the materials and content we looked at in Unit 3- Ratios!

All students received these handouts and we will conference in small groups to identify misconceptions with every student.
We will have a new Friday Check on November 9th that will mirror the one we took last Friday! I will not be counting last weeks Friday Check, I feel that everyone needs more time with the content on the Check and we will revisit those targets this week.

Handouts used today and tomorrow for revisiting of content!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thursday, November 1

Today we completed the Unit Pricing Scavenger hunt from Wednesday and the two independent worksheets from Tuesday. Today was a day spent working and reviewing for the Friday check tomorrow!!

Friday Check will cover simplifying ratios and solving for unit rates and unit pricing!