Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Great Links for System of Equations


Week of February 27

Monday: Finish up solving system of equations by substitution and have a quiz. We will also discuss solving real world problems with system of linear equations.

Tuesday: Complete a real world scenario with cell phone costs. We will solve the problem by graphing and substitution and then analysis the graph and our solution and answer questions based on the context of the problem.

Wednesday: Review centers for the unit.

Thursday: Unit 5 Assessment

Friday: Completion of the assessment and remediation day!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Friday, February 24

Bellwork was a simple system of equations to solve using substitution.

Again today we worked on solving systems of equations by substitution. We wrote down the 5 steps to sovle there is a picture of them below.

Some classes had time for a quiz others will take the quiz on Monday.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Thursday, February 23

Today we completed a graph for a system of equations for bell work.
We then discussed how the graphing is only one way to solve and we can also use substitution to find the values of x and y.
We will continue solving system of equations using substitution tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wednesday, February 22

Today we worked on graphing system of linear equations.

Bell work was graphing one line and identifying the slope and y- intercept of the equation.

Next we graphed a different equation on our own. Then, you worked with an assigned partner and you graphed with line with yours, making a system of linear equations. After you graphed the lines and found the point of intersection, I had the students check the solutions of the graph by substituting the values in for x and y into both equations.

We completed some group and individual practice and an exit slip.

There was no homework.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tuesday, February 21

                    S-A page 1                                                       S-A page 2

 S-A page 3
Today we completed a Self-Assessment for Unit 4. This is due tomorrow!

Week of February 20-25

Monday- NO School
Tuesday- Self-Assessment for Unit 4 Test
Wednesday-I can explain how a line represents the infinite number of solutions to a linear equation with two variables. We will work in pairs to analysis graphs and determine the solution of the two equations.
Thursday and Friday- We will work on finding the values for x and y when we cannot graph the equations. This will be done through substitution.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

WOW what a WEEK!- Wednesday, February 15

I apologize for the absence on the blog this week. We are finally testing, today! I was out yesterday; therefore, we did not test Tuesday as planned. We will complete tests and that a pretest for the next unit, Thursday.
Friday we will do a little more with graphing linear equations. We may even get out the TI Inspire Calculators!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Thursday and Friday February 9-10

These two days will be spent reviewing fractions and preparing for the test on Tuesday, February 14.

The test will now ONLY include solving equations and Identfying types of solutions: one, no, or infinitely many. NO graphing will be on this assessment.

We created a Steps for solving and using Distributive property as well. It is pictured below.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wednesday, February 8

Today in class we focused on solving equations which are two-step or one-step equations; have fractions as coefficients, have distributive property; or have an answer as zero.

We answered on white boards and reviewed the steps and answers as a class.

Tomorrow will be a continuum of this lesson and more practice on graphing lines

I have posted a picture of the two Review documents you should have to prepare you for the Unit 4 Assessment.

                                                                 Foldable from Center Review

 Unit 4 Review 1    
 Page one                                                                              Page Two

 Sample Equations Review                                                             

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Tuesday, February 7

Today in class we completed a Do What Prompt that will prepare you for the Unit 4 assessment.

Next we completed a cooperative think aloud activity in pairs to practice solving equations. 
We went over the equations students were still struggling on as a class.

Some class completed the chart on the handout below. They identified the type of solution each equation would have if you were to solve.

An exit slip was completed in correspondence to the exit slip from yesterday.

We will continue to review and there is a possibility that we will need to push the test back until Friday.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Monday February 6

Today we began with bell work

Next we took notes to clarify the difference of one solution, no solution, and infinitely many solutions when looking at equations and graphs of linear equations.

Last we completed an exit slip for you to tell me where you are in the unit and what you still need help with

Week of February 6

This week we are going to be reviewing for our Unit Assessment that will be Thursday of this week!

Monday: We will be taking an inventory of what we know and what we still need to work on. After bell work, we will begin the class with some clarification of one solution, no solution, and infinitely many solutions when looking at equations and their graphs. Then we will complete an exit slip for you to tell me where you are in the unit and what you still need help on.

Tuesday: We will complete a Do what to prepare us for the Constructive Response on the test. Then we will complete a partner solving activity and finish will a reflection handout, based upon your exit slips from Monday.

Wednesday: Final Review before the Unit Test. Complete learning centers and cooperative learning activity.

Thursday: Unit 4 Assessment

Friday: Introduction to the TI- Inspire Calculators. Bring your blanket :-)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Wednesday, February 1

We started our class reviewing with 3 equations for bellwork.

Today in class we reviewed and practiced graphing two linear equations and identifying their point of intersection.

                                                         Practice Questions 1 &2

                                                                   Practice Questions 3 & 4

We graphed 4 systems of linear equations and then had an exit slip. Which was number 4 on the Practice sheet from yesterday.