Monday, February 6, 2012

Week of February 6

This week we are going to be reviewing for our Unit Assessment that will be Thursday of this week!

Monday: We will be taking an inventory of what we know and what we still need to work on. After bell work, we will begin the class with some clarification of one solution, no solution, and infinitely many solutions when looking at equations and their graphs. Then we will complete an exit slip for you to tell me where you are in the unit and what you still need help on.

Tuesday: We will complete a Do what to prepare us for the Constructive Response on the test. Then we will complete a partner solving activity and finish will a reflection handout, based upon your exit slips from Monday.

Wednesday: Final Review before the Unit Test. Complete learning centers and cooperative learning activity.

Thursday: Unit 4 Assessment

Friday: Introduction to the TI- Inspire Calculators. Bring your blanket :-)

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