Sunday, August 19, 2012

Week of August 20

This week will be diving into our first unit and beginning our steps for Automaticity. Although automaticity will not officiall begin until the week of Sept 3, we will be completing testing for collecting data.

Here is what we have planned for the week:

    Review Divisibility Rules & begin Factoring with Factor Trees.
    Preview vocabulary for Unit 1

    Continue Factoring
    Introduce Great Common Factors (GCF)
    Automaticity Test 1

     Factoring activity 
     More practice with GCF
     Vocablary Matching Activity

     Depending on how students preform on factoring and GCF we may continue with LCM or we may continue factoring and GCF
     Listing multiples of a pair of numbers to find the Least Common Multiple (LCM)
     Automaticity Test 2

    Friday Check
     -Factor Trees
     -LCM (if covered)

    Enrichment for passing checks, and remediation for students that need more work on this weeks material.

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