Friday, September 28, 2012

Friday, September 28

We reviewed Adding and Substracting Like and Unlike Fractions, as well as simplifying fractions.

Then we Completed our Friday Check!

Everyone Did and Great job today! You are all working so hard! KEEP IT UP!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Thursday, September 27

Contiued Adding and Subtracting Unlike Fractions

Reviewed and Practiced Simplifying

Tomorrow's Friday Check will cover:

Adding and Subtracting fractions with Like & Unlike denominators
& Simplifying Fractions

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Wednesday, September 26

We started the day with a homework check, quizzing on three questions. If you didn't have your homework complete, then it is do tomorrow for 9/10. Remember you will lose one point each day the assignment is late!

We continued practicing adding and subtracting unlike fractions for the remember of the class.

There was no homework tonight.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tuesday, September 25

Today we completed notes and practiced Adding and Subtracting Unlike Fractions:

Here are the notes and the examples we completed:

Homework was assigned- Complete # 13-20 tonight and expect three of these for a Homework Quiz tomorrow! Also I have shown you the answers for 13-16. Check your work on these four and complete the rest, 17-20.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Monday, September 25

Today we reviewed the steps for adding and Subtracting Like Fractions- same denominators.

Then we discussed what we do when the denominators are not Like. We said we have to find the Least Common Denominator or LCD of the two fractions. This will lead us into tomorrow where we will have to add and subtract Unlike Fractions

We talked about how the LCD and LCM are the same thing! When we find the LCD all we are doing is finding the least common multiple of the numbers in the denominator's position.

No Homework tonight, but look for some tomorrow evening.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Friday, September 21

Today we reviewed comparing fractions and practiced using the visual models as we did on Wednesday.

Next we completed a Friday Check for identifying parts and types of fractions, and comparing fractions with a visual model.

Thursday, September 20

Today we practiced more using the visual models to compare fractions.

We took notes and completed a few exercises on the following work sheet.

Page1 with notes and helpful hints

Page 2- practice with hints
*We did not get to the number line!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Ladder Method Poster

Ladder Method for Simplifying All most Anything!

Wednesday, September 19

Today we completed :

Bellwork: Identify the parts of a fraction and types of fractions.

Next we worked on visuals for fractions. Students used fraction manipulatives to represent the fractions and then they draw two fractions to compare them.
Today we only talked about comparing Fractions with Like Denominators

Student working on Comparing Fractions with visual models


We will continue comparing fractions tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Tuesday, September 18

Finished working on Self Assessments. All students should have those turned in tomorrow, Wednesday, September 19!

Tomorrow is the start of Unit 2- Fractions

Look for a Friday check this week on parts and types of fractions, comparing fractions using visuals, and finding the LCD- Least Common Denominator.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Monday, September 17

Today we completed a pretest for the next unit on Fractions.

Then the students recieved a Student Grade Report for this Unit 1 Assessment that took last week.
They are to have those signed by a parent/guardian by tomorrow, Tuesday, September 18.

Today and part of tomorrow's class the students are working on a self assessment. This is to help them be aware of what targets they struggled on and what targets they have mastered. We will work on these tomorrow in class also, and these self-assessments are due Wednesday, Spetember 19 and are worth 20 points.

Students are encoraged to use the blog postings, their study guide, and example problems they wrote down to practice each target they missed. Don't forget about the Reflection at the end. Make sure it is complete.
Self-Assessment Page 1

Self-Assessment Page 2

Self-Assessment Page 3

Friday, September 14

Complete Unit 1 Test- Constructive Response: Review the Do What Process

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Thursday, September 13

Unit 1 Test: We completed the multiple choice and the Short Answer today. Tomorrow we will complete the Constructive Response.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Tuesday, September 11

Today we reviewed and practiced "breaking down" a number and complex addition problem by using Distributive property.

Homework tonight:
Period 2: Complete 4-6 on Word Problem handout
Period 3: & 6 Complete the two Distributive Property Expressions
Period 5: Exempted for tonight

Here are the notes:

Page 1 - Materials and Bellwork

Page 2- First page of Notes

Page 3- WE DO practice

Page 4- YOU DO Practice

Wednesday, September 12: TEST Tomorrow

We will have our Unit 1- Prime Time test on Thursday! You will receive a study guide on Wednesday!

Agenda and Bellwork:

Page1 - Front

Page 2- Back

Monday, September 10, 2012

Videos for LCM and GCF

LCM Video

LCM & GCF Video ( You do not need to watch the Simplifying Factions part for now)

Monday, September 10

Thank you to all the students for working so hard while I was gone. I hated missing so many days at the beginning of school; however, I have returned and we have a lot to cover this week!

Today we reviewed the "ladder method" that Mrs. Keys taught the students to identify the GCF and LCM for any 2 given numbers.

We applied this skill to solving real world (word) problems. The students need to be able to identify when a word problem is asking them to find the GCF or the LCM. Therefore, we took notes and I gave them a handout on this to take home and to keep in their math modeling binder. We worked on some problems in class and I assigned 6 problems (3 each) for homework. Below is the handouts we covered today.


Classwork was to complete 1-3 HOMEWORK is to complete 4-6

GCF side                                                                                                         LCM side