Monday, September 17, 2012

Monday, September 17

Today we completed a pretest for the next unit on Fractions.

Then the students recieved a Student Grade Report for this Unit 1 Assessment that took last week.
They are to have those signed by a parent/guardian by tomorrow, Tuesday, September 18.

Today and part of tomorrow's class the students are working on a self assessment. This is to help them be aware of what targets they struggled on and what targets they have mastered. We will work on these tomorrow in class also, and these self-assessments are due Wednesday, Spetember 19 and are worth 20 points.

Students are encoraged to use the blog postings, their study guide, and example problems they wrote down to practice each target they missed. Don't forget about the Reflection at the end. Make sure it is complete.
Self-Assessment Page 1

Self-Assessment Page 2

Self-Assessment Page 3

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