Thursday, January 31, 2013

Thursday, January 31

Today we continued to practice ordering Rational numbers. We completed bellwork to order integers that were both fractions and decimals.

Here is a picture of our solution:

Then we continued with stations and a introduction to Absolute Value in a video...

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Wednesday, January 30

Hope you all have a great evening! I think that today and yesterday were great days! Many of you are showing proficiency with your integers and ordering decimals and fractions!

Today we continued to order with our groups and we did not use the number line again today! W focused on lining up the decimals and listing them vertically. This way the numbers are greatest to least read top to bottom and least to greatest when read bottom to top.

Here was the bellwork for today...

Next we completed some group ordering with cards and post-it notes there are the lists students ordered from greatest to least and least to greatest.

*** We are converting the fractions to decimals so that all numbers are the same form to order and position by the place values.***

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Tuesday, January 29

Today we introduced ordering rational numbers. This means the students need to be able to list fractions, decimals, and percents in order from least or greatest and greatest to least.

We began with bellwork that reviews plotting or graphing points on the number line where the numbers lie.

Then we worked in small groups order rational numbers by placing the integers on the number line.

Then the students had to complete an Exit slip to show how they can order decimals with no number line.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Monday, January 28

Today we focused on Rational numbers: real numbers that can be written as a fraction or decimal that can be terminated; therefore, fraction, decimals, and percents are rational numbers.

We completed bellwork to review last week's materials...

Watched a video...

And took notes on ploting rational numbers on the number line...

REMINDER:  Page 47 (front and back) Integers 8.1 is due Feb. 4 COMPLETED!!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Thursday, January 24

Today be focused on opposite integers and compare integers with < ,  >, or  = signs

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Wednesday, January 23

Today we completed several dry erase board activities dealing integers

The students need to be able to identify when integers can be applied to real life situations here are a few we discussed:

Then the students completed two problems in every section of the following worksheet: This handout is due Febuary 4 with ALL COMPLETED!!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Tuesday, January 22

Students will recieve their Unit 5 Percent Test Results today! Return them tomorrow for a HOTSHOT BUCK!

We will also take our Pre-test for Unit 6- Integers! We will spent 2-3 weeks on this next unit!

We watched the following video to kick off the Integer unit...

Week of January 14

Monday: All students completed the Unit 5 Test on Percents and worked on unfinished work in there Math Modeling Binders

Tuesday: We started a three day lesson about problem solving with proportional reasoning.
The students were encouraged to work independently to solve the problem. I wanted to teach them not only problem solving and proportional reasoning, but to "THINK" on their own through the mathematical steps. I wanted them to learn through mistakes made and their own realization of what the problem was asking them to find. The problem allowed the students to solve through many avenues and I was impressed with their thinking and the strategies they developed to solve. This day was designed for me to help as a minimum and in most cases, when asked a question I answered them with a question to promote their thinking.

Wednesday: Day 2 was a time for the students to rethink about how they solved based on the problem and the new questions I asked them. I listed these questions on the board for the students to think about:

How can you justify or explain your answers mathematically?

Do your calculations use the total distances traveled?

What information are you told in the problem about the TOTALS?

Can you set up the problem similar to a fraction or part/ total or whole?

Did you take into account the returned journey?

The comments in the dialogue boxes may help you and give suggestions.

Is it fair for Marla to pay the same amount as Lara? Why or why not?

Do you need to consider the journey to school and the return home

What could you say about the amount Jason should pay compared to the amount Marla should pay?

Next the students were assigned a team to work with to discuss their solutions and look at other sample student answers and evaluate their work. This was great for the students to see how others solved and in many cases it was different than their solutions. They were then able to find errors in the samples and use those to draw conclusions on how to solve the problem.

Thursday: Day 3 and FINAL day! The teams will get back together and organize their teams' solutions and create a poster with the solution and explanation. the teams posters will be displayed in the classroom!

I am very proud of the studnets hard work and their cooperative work this week! They have come a long way and have learned to "THINK" with or without prompts!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Thursday, January 10

Today we competed a study guide in class and the students were able to take home their Math binders to study. There are many extra materials that I am sure they can use to practice. If you see a lot of unfinished work, do not panic. So of the worksheets have PLENTY of problems so students were only to complete a 5 per page.

Remember page 64 and 65 are due tomorrow and need to be turned in. 5 percents per section (4) totaling 20 problems to be complete.

Wednesday, January 9

Today we worked on finding when you are given the a part or portion and the percent, how do you find the total value avalible.

(since the pictures are still not loading and it seems to be a google problem I will given a written explaination)

Albert scored 34 questions correct on his test. If he recieved a 85% as his grade what was the total points possible

A proportion was sent up:

34/x = 85/100

to solve you take 34 divided by 85 and then multiply that answer by 100 ( move the decimal two places to the right)

40 questions is the solution

Tuesday, January 8

 Today we focused on finding the part of the whole or total number when given the percent.

example:  20% of  45     OR set up a proportion    x/ 45 = 20/100

       0.2 * 45 = 9                                                      9/45 = 20/100

Monday, January 7

Today we reviewed our converting a percent to a decimal and a percent to a fraction.

We did a lot of dry erase board practice as a class with problems like these:

40% = 0.40 = 2/5

We then took a look at how to find the part of a whole number when given the percent. I only modeled this and we will continue this tomorrow with skill work and word problems

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Friday, January 4

Today we begin to find the percent of a given number.

for example 30% of 40 is 12
** here are the notes the students were given and the video they watched
Percents are fractions.
Percents are decimals.

So, to find the percent of a number we can convert the percent into a fraction or decimal and multiply.

60% of 35
60 % x 35

The students were instructed 3 ways and are permitted to chose the way the want to use.
Method 1:

Convert % to a fraction, then Multiply!

 60% of 35

 60% = 60/100- 6/10= 3/5
3/5 x 35/1 = 105/5 = 21

Method 2:

Convert % to a decimal, then Multiply!

40% of 22

40% = 0.4

0.4 x 22 = 8.8  

 VIDEO we viewed!!

Method 3:

Set of equivalent fractions/proportion and CROSS MULTIPLY!

12% of 45

x/45 = 12/100

Thursday, January 3

Today we practiced converting or changing forms of percents to decimals and percents to fractions.

We wrote all of these on dry erase boards and I checked them individually and as a class.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Wednesday, January 2- Welcome Back!!

I hope that you all had a great break! Will the many deadlines and the passing of my grandmother, I did not post much before Christmas break. I hope that you all had a relaxing break and it was great to see you all today!

Today we hit the ground running and we have started another unit- Unit 5 Percents. We will test on this unit next Friday, it will be a quick and very small unit!

We started with a card matching bellwork in small groups and then we complete a 1/2 sheet that helped us think through the steps of finding percents from a fraction and then identifying the decimal.

Here is the 1/2 sheet we completed.